• Friday, September 12, 2003

    On a roll with this blogging bit… Must have too much time on my hands, not. Just checking out a PC that had MS Blaster on it. The DIY cure was worse than the worm 🙁 aren’t end users wonderful? Continue reading

  • Thursday, September 11, 2003

    Added two new web sites: southportchurch.org.uk and kingdomweb.co.uk. Not done much more with peterholloway.org, but should move the blog there sometime. I’ve already moved the picture pages. Continue reading

  • Monday, July 14, 2003

    Ever tried using the address bar within Outlook? You can visit any web site, or type in a location such as outlook:calendar. Great if you prefer typing to mice. Great for small size web pages such as this one. Continue reading

  • Monday, July 14, 2003

    Holiday on Friday – about time too! Should be a new set of photos in a couple of weeks. Continue reading

  • Friday, July 11, 2003

    Been a busy week or two, or three or four… No change on the web site front, but a few more photos on line. Did get a new laptop though – Samsung X10 Centrino – great to have wireless built in, lovely magnesium case and much lighter than the Dell. Continue reading