• The Day of the Lord

    But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed. 2 Peter 3:10 We’ve been looking at the passage that… Continue reading

  • My poor head

    Coming off caffeine this week: my head hurts. Continue reading

  • RSS and the weblog

    Blogging and RSS seem just made for each other. I’ve been using SharpReader for testing feeds. I’m not sure how this stands up against other readers, but I think the idea of using a stand alone program rather than a web browser is much better. News without the image overload is great, and the full… Continue reading

  • Web design vs weblogging

    What’s more fun? Blogging or creating the pages? What’s more fun? Reading RSS feeds or creating them? I’ve just got around to creating an RSS feed for this page, as you can see from the link on the right. Being somewhat lazy, and also being convinced that something that comes from a database (as my… Continue reading

  • Firefox

    I’ve been using Firefox as my web browser of choice for some time now. It’s much better than Internet Explorer. Firefox comes as a basic package – a web browser, but with multiple tabs, so you can open as many web pages as you like without having to open another browser windows. Firefox blocks popups… Continue reading