• The Brick

    In the Old Testament we are told of Joshua that ‘none of his words fell to the ground’. Strange statement? Not when you realise how the Hebrews thought about words. Words were considered to be alive in the sense that they went from your mouth and achieved their intended pupose before returning again. Hence the… Continue reading

  • Who is my enemy?

    Luke 6:27-49 “But he, desiring to justify himself said ‘Who is my enemy?’” This was the question asked of Jesus about loving your neighbour. But all too often it is also used as an excuse to avoid loving our enemies. We justify away Jesus’ command to love all. Jesus’ list covers all: those who hate… Continue reading

  • Muesli Religion

    Ever thought of categorising churches by comparing them to breakfast cereals? What would your church be like? It seems that churches tend to one of two types of breakfast: either they are the overly sweet, all taste and no substance of the sugar coated variety, or they are the very good for you whilst tasting… Continue reading

  • Edifying words

    Following on from the last blog. There is a general principle that people will tend to mimic our vices rather than our virtues. We are naturally inclined to sinful behaviour. I believe it was Spurgeon who illustrated how much easier it is to drag down than to pull up by standing on his desk and… Continue reading

  • If a ruler listens to falsehood

    If a ruler listens to falsehood all his officials will be wicked. Proverbs 29:12 This proverb encapsulates a general principle, that those in leadership pass on their faults more quickly than their virtues. Leaders are watched, and watched with greater expectation of trustworthiness than the watchers expect of themselves. So inevitably, when a fault is… Continue reading