• Does life sometimes get on top of you?

    One of the things about blogging is the compulsion to make sure there is something fresh on the page every day. I suppose you’ve got to actually live life sometime in between publishing it on the web… If posts have been sparse recently (read non-existent) it is perhaps a reasonable deduction that I have been… Continue reading

  • More on Web Publishing

    I’ve been thinking more on the subject of weblogs, and the general phenomenon of web publishing. There is so much unthought outpouring of whatever hits the minds of the ‘publishers’ that it is hard to find anything original or edifying. I would suggest that anything we write and publish online (as opposed to in personal… Continue reading

  • Power to Contribute

    I’ve been stumbling again. The number of weblogs is definitely on the increase. The number of self serving weblogs is on the increase. Is that the pot calling the kettle black? Perhaps: there must be an element of self promotion in order to get your blog noticed in the first place. But what about the… Continue reading

  • Power to give

    Jesus had power. In Luke’s Gospel we read of One who commanded the sea and it became calm, who cast out a multitude of demons from a man possessed, who healed incurable diseases by merely being touched. Yet Jesus’ greatest deed was one of complete self denial, of allowing Himself to be crucified. When His… Continue reading

  • The Brick

    In the Old Testament we are told of Joshua that ‘none of his words fell to the ground’. Strange statement? Not when you realise how the Hebrews thought about words. Words were considered to be alive in the sense that they went from your mouth and achieved their intended pupose before returning again. Hence the… Continue reading