• Newsreader for Firefox

    I’ve found a rather spiffing enhancement to the Mozilla Firefox web browser: Sage. It is a lightweight RSS and ATOM feed aggregator extension for Mozilla Firefox according to the blurb on the web site. Sage really looks good and takes up a lot less in terms of resources than dedicated newsreaders. I used to use… Continue reading

  • Policy decision

    I’ve made an executive decision. I’ve dithered about what to put on wideplace.net and what to put on this site. From now on devotional items will only go on wideplace.net, whilst this will be used for more general and wide ranging nonsense. Continue reading

  • The Work of My Hands – Isaiah 60:21

    The concept of existing solely for the purpose of serving someone else’s interests is total anathema to the western world. We live for ourselves & ourselves alone – that is what we are taught it is to be a man. The cowboy Shane is a typical example, independent and proud, and living by his own… Continue reading

  • My purpose shall stand

    “.. and I will fulfill my intention.” So says the Lord God Almighty in Isaiah 46:10. God’s Word through Isaiah is clear: only the I AM created the heavens & the earth, only He is the living God, only He acts for His Name’s sake & for the benefit of His people. His plans stretch… Continue reading

  • The errers and grumblers

    No, it’s not a spelling mistake! Isaiah 29: 24 states: And those who err in spirit will come to understanding, and those who grumble will accept instruction. These are two aspects of the new kingdom life that every believer should exhibit. Both involve change. Somewhere in our recent Christian past we seem to have lost… Continue reading