Don’t Linger, Don’t Look Back
When Abraham and Lot parted company, Lot thought he had got the better deal. That thought was driven by his own desires for the good life. Lot eventually settled on the plain of Jordan, and as we know gravitated towards Sodom. The Bible tells us that Lot was righteous and greatly disturbed by the behaviour… Continue reading
Remember your Identity
We’re a generation living with an identity crisis. We have been told that we can choose to be whoever we are, and with that choice, for most of us comes confusion. Where does that leave us? Identity comes from where we come from, where we’re going, who we belong to. It is a complex thing,… Continue reading
Remember: We’re made for more than this!
In this busy world it’s so easy to drop our gaze. What I mean by that is that the day to day struggles of life, the pressures of this world attract our attention and draw us away from seeing the ultimate reality. The here and now distracts us from the hereafter. Of course, that is… Continue reading
Creationism is a Logical and Acceptable Worldview
Several years ago, working as an IT Consultant I was on site with a client when a member of staff asked for assistance with a problem on her computer. The problem had defeated her, and so I was asked to take a look. I’ve long since forgotten the problem and the cure, but I do… Continue reading
God has an economic plan!
Before you tell me I’m daft, let me explain. Our modern word ‘economy’ is just a transliteration (that’s changing the letters from Greek characters to English ones) of a common Greek word: oikonomia. The ending ‘nomy’ is from the Greek word for law or rule. Hence ‘autonomy’ is ruling yourself, running your own life. The… Continue reading