• Beware copy and pasting ad text into your web pages

    Just discovered that you shouldn’t trust code provided by others, no matter how big the business. Especially don’t trust that code when you have a link to the W3C validator! Although some code, such as the Spread Firefox ads, is perfect, others neglect to properly encode the ampersands within the URL. And this, of course… Continue reading

  • Faux Columns

    Some things are oh so simple when you actually look at them. Most web sites contain some sort of background image these days, why not just place your vertical columns in a vertically tiled background image? The explanation is at A List Apart – I know it’s been around for a while, but better late… Continue reading

  • Foray Failure

    I have to confess that after spending a fruitless couple of hours trying to install either phpmyadmin or mysqladmin I gave up and swithched the machine off. I then installed php on my regular Windows XP machine and was up and running in minutes, and that’s including setting permissions for the relvant files/folders. I would… Continue reading

  • A Foray Further

    Fedora seems a nice product, but, coming from the ease of installation that is the Windows environment there are still major gotchas for the average user. 1. Simple things such as syncing my Palm Zire via USB – won’t work out of the box, plenty of suggestions on the web, no immediate solution. 2. Although… Continue reading

  • A foray

    Having run Xandros on a spare laptop for a while, and been reasonably happy with it, but not bowled over I’ve been scouting around for something to run that I can use for a foray into the realms of PHP/MySQL for web sites. As all I’ve done to date has been of the ASP/SQL Server… Continue reading