• A quotable quote

    “A fulfilled life is one that has the will of God as its focus, and not the appetite of the flesh.” – Ravi Zacharias Continue reading

  • It is an ex UPS…

    The computer room had a rather worrying niff in the air this morning. You know the smell, too hot plastic that points to something not quite right. We tracked it down to a rather large, aging Fiskars UPS. One of the fans had been rattling for some time, but then stopped rattling. Unfortunately it stopped… Continue reading

  • MP3 Players – Software ones, that is…

    Prompted by a request for help with Windows Media Player (it wouldn’t play internet radio) that ended up being a licensing tick box somewhere in the bowels of Media Player I was hunting round for viable alternatives. By viable I mean not ‘free in lieu of professionally put together’ or ‘free but we’ll take it… Continue reading

  • New look site

    It’s amazing how fast a site can begin to look old. The changes to the site are entirely cosmetic. In fact, I’ve simplified the CSS significantly for this. The only major change is the decision to use graphics for the main headings to match the banner. This does lift the site a little. Hope y’all… Continue reading

  • Internet Evangelism Day

    Found this interesting link: Internet Evangelism Day It is an interesting concept that Christians spend all their energies on building web sites to feed themselves or ‘brochure ware’ church pages. The internet is a fantastic opportunity to get the message across to those who are seeking. A lot of people are seeking, they just don’t… Continue reading