A Haven in Birkdale Dunes
Park up at the car park by Royal Birkdale Golf Club, go through the gate and down the path. Fight your way through the overgrown… Read More »A Haven in Birkdale Dunes
Park up at the car park by Royal Birkdale Golf Club, go through the gate and down the path. Fight your way through the overgrown… Read More »A Haven in Birkdale Dunes
I was only on this beach for five minutes one evening, but the light was nice, and the clouds added some interest to the sky.
I played with Google AdSense some time ago, and didn’t experience any real success with it. This web site has always been intended as a… Read More »Page Hits and AdSense
I don’t usually play with Flash, but it seemed the best format for this item. We took the dogs, our dog Barney, and his sister… Read More »Dogs Jumping
This is the other side of the street from where we stayed in Torredembarra…