• Sunset over the Pier

    It was freezing cold last night. Stuart gave up and stuck his hands in his armpits. I only took a couple of shots. This is an HDR processed using Photomatix and then Photoshop. Continue reading

  • Pier View

    The tide was in and the sun was shining and there was just a little bit of grassy beach to take pictures from… Continue reading

  • Dark Grey

    I’ve completely redesigned the look of the site. After a brief flirtation with a blue design I’ve settled on a Dark Grey theme. I’ve also been getting to grips with Photomatix and Photoshop’s LAB colour mode. The picture below is the result of what I’ve learned. You can see more images in the Southport Photos… Continue reading

  • Photographs

    I’ve been neglecting the photos page here for a while as I’ve been posting images to Flickr. I’ve wanted to do a couple of things, the first of which is the implementation of the wonderful Lightbox Script. This has now been done. I’ve thinned out the photos significantly and designed the page to take the… Continue reading

  • Redesign of Datawise Computing Web Site

    I’ve done a complete redesign of my Datawise Computing business web site: www.datawisecomputing.com. It’s still basically a WordPress site with a couple of pages bolted on as this still serves it’s purpose very well. Continue reading