• Southport Sea and Pier in Winter

    Passing by Southport Pier today was a rather grey affair – heavy clouds drizzling steadily and no hope of a gladdening ray stealing through to cheer the heart. So, here’s the shot of the tide right in on a bleak grey December day… Continue reading

  • Southport Photos

    I’ve recently taken the time to revise the photographs of Southport in the Southport Section of the photos page. I’ve included many newer images of Southport and the Pier and the dunes at Ainsdale. I hope you enjoy them… Continue reading

  • From the Pier

    This is another image from the end of Southport Pier. It was taken just as dusk was falling. Continue reading

  • Pier Shots

    I’ve been trying to think of what to shoot for the latest round of the Amateur Photographer competition and thought a dusk shot of the pier might do the trick. So, I went down on Saturday afternoon, just before sunset. The wind was blowing a gale, so I had to really lean on the tripod… Continue reading

  • APOY Round 7 – Bold Colour

    The results are just in for Round 7 of the Amateur Photographer of the Year competition. I’ve come 8th with this image of a flower taken at Southport Flower Show. This moves me up to 5th place on the leaderboard having entered 5 out of the first 7 rounds. Three more to go… Continue reading