
Servant and Spirit, Matthew 12:15-37 24th July 2024
What is the Church, Ephesians 3:10 23rd June 2024
Lindfield Evangelical Free Church Service – Sermon at around 36 minutes in: Jesus and the Leper from Matthew 8:1-4
What is Faith, Hebrews 11:1-16 17th March 2024
The Lord’s Prayer, Matthew 6:9-15 18th February 2024
Immanuel – God with Us – Isaiah 7:10-17 (sermon around 25 minutes in)
To the church in Laodicea – Revelation 3:14-22 (sermon around 27 minutes in)

To the church in Thyatira – Revelation 2:18-29 (sermon around 33 minutes in)
Unity in disunity – Galatians 5:13 – 6:5 (sermon around 38 minutes in)
For I decided – 1 Corinthians 1:17 – 2:5 (sermon around 47 minutes in)
Seeing Jesus – Revelation 1 (sermon around 40 minutes in)
Love is from God – 1 John 4:7-12 (sermon around 45 minutes in)

Philemon – Grace, Fellowship, Encouragement

1 Corinthians 13 – Love is

Saul: Sinner to Saint

Four Threads Through the Bible

Walking Away from it all

The Last of the Servant Songs

Psalm 134 – A Song of Ascents

Unity, Grace, Growth – Ephesians 4:1-16

The Hopes and Fears of all the Years

Preeminent – Colossians 1

Too Long in Exile: The Book of Daniel

Is there any comfort in Job?

The Redemption of Ruth the Moabite

Making the Most of Mark

Promise and Fulfillment

Reading Revelation

For this reason (Ephesians 1: 15-23)

As for you (Ephesians 2)

The Mystery Revealed (Ephesians 3)

Be Imitators of God (Ephesians 5)

Be Strong in the Lord (Ephesians 6)

Pew & Pulpit (1 Thessalonians 1,2)

Unravelling the End Times (1 Thessalonians 5)

Samuel the Hero (1 Samuel 3

Heaven Can Wait (Matthew 13)

Fan into Flame (2 Timothy 1:1-7)

Living by Faith (Hebrews 10)

A Dependable Harvest

Playing at Religion

Taste and See


Our Significance

Self Control

What Will You Ask?

New Life

Fire & Faith

The Joy of Your Salvation


Enjoying the Fruit

The Reality of the Heavenly

The Body and the Vine

Shepherds and Sheep

The Heavenly Walk

Who Will You Serve?

God’s Hero

Our Blessed Hope

Rediscovering God

Loving the Prodigal

Who do you think you are?

God’s People

Reaffirming the Foundations

4 responses to “Sermons”

  1. […] Last Sunday’s sermon from Union Hall Church in Manchester is now online. […]

  2. […] I’ve uploaded the last two sermons that were recorded on the Sermons Page […]

  3. […] I’ve uploaded the last couple of weeks’ sermons to the Sermons Page. […]

  4. […] a quick note to say that there’s a new sermon online now on my sermons page entitled ‘Reading Revelation’. It’s a quick start guide to how to get started on […]

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