Web Design

  • A List Apart Web Design Survey 2007

    Go on, you know you want to… Continue reading

  • New Web Site for Local Coast Images

    It’s been on the back burner for quite some time, but I’ve finally put a web site up at Dune Prints with some of my favourite images of the local coast. I live in Southport, on the North West coast of England, and the coast can be rather flat and plain, but the sand dunes… Continue reading

  • Inspiration …

    I have been looking at this web site for some time, thinking it could do with a makeover. I knew I wanted something different, but couldn’t find the right way to include any of my new photographs in the actual design. The colours just seemed wrong. Anyway, I was inspired by the thinking behind the… Continue reading

  • Done properly this time

    This time I’ve done it properly. The peterholloway.com web site has now been completely redone. The site has had the navigation moved to the left hand side, a completely redesigned banner that takes up less space, and a slightly different page for displaying photos so that that banner doesn’t detract from the image. Continue reading

  • Another redesign

    On a whim I decided to refresh the look of peterholloway.com, but I’m not 100% happy with it yet. I want something simple, yet with a nice image. This one is from Freshfield in Formby. I’m not sure whether to start afresh or try tweaking it a little. Depends on time, inclination etc. Continue reading