
My Photographs

  • High Tide – Southport Pier

    The tide appears to come in rarely on Southport beach. This is because the shallow gradient of the beach means that it goes from far out to high tide, and then back out again in a very short time. So, when I was passing and realised it was almost high tide, I grabbed my camera… Continue reading

  • Sunflower Photograph

    OK, so it’s another flower picture, but it was just sitting in a vase, asking to be photographed. The sun was in and out of the clouds, making exposure difficult, but, having stopped down a couple of stops because of the bright sky it turned out OK. Continue reading

  • Ah Grasshopper

    No, not the cult TV show starring David Carradine, but the real McCoy. I found this sitting on our patio doors, and rather than crush it in one fell blow as I opened the doors, I decided to remove it. It quite happily sat on my hand while I walked it into the sunlight and… Continue reading

  • Flowr Powr

    I know it’s another flower, but, as I’m doing the whole close up photography thing I thought I’d put it up here, just to add some colour. This is a house plant that got the take it outside and photograph from below treatment. Unfortunately, due to the wind I couldn’t get as large a depth… Continue reading

  • Breakout

    Thinking about images breaking out of the box for a web site design and Gordon of Hype Creative suggested breaking out this iris from the frame. Anyway, here’s my take on it… Continue reading