
  • The Bottom Line – Psalm 73

    Looking out at the world can be a soul destroying thing. This world is full of evil, and full of evildoers, who somehow always seem to thrive and do well. And as we look out we are inclined to stumble. The natural instinct is to envy the wicked their ease, to see their unpunished prosperity… Continue reading

  • Authentic Church

    Authentic is all the rage at the moment. We want honest people, transparent ideals, reality, authenticity. This need for authenticity has seeped into the Church too. Of course, it is a genuine need and one that becomes more necessary with every generation of Church. As we become involved in our local fellowship, as one generation… Continue reading

  • Short Shots: Theologically and Practically in Christ

    The book of Ephesians is at once simple and exceedingly complex. It’s short enough to read at a single sitting and deep enough to keep you learning for years. Here are a couple of things that help to see what the book is about. The book of Ephesians contains 6 chapters. The first 3 are… Continue reading

  • Working your way to the top

    Luke 18:1-6 tells the story of how the disciples asked Jesus ‘Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?’ What prompted this question? The kingdom of heaven was still, in the disciples’ mind a nebulous concept, there was no set of rules they could follow, there was nothing tangible to get to grips with.… Continue reading

  • On Walking the Path

    Deuteronomy 28 begins with the instruction to be careful to do “all his commandments”. This is a constant theme right through the first 5 books of the Bible. The covenant relationship of Israel with their God is all encompassing – the whole life – this is why it is often described as a ‘walk’. What… Continue reading