Monday, July 14, 2003
Ever tried using the address bar within Outlook? You can visit any web site, or type in a location such as outlook:calendar. Great if you… Read More »Monday, July 14, 2003
Ever tried using the address bar within Outlook? You can visit any web site, or type in a location such as outlook:calendar. Great if you… Read More »Monday, July 14, 2003
Holiday on Friday – about time too! Should be a new set of photos in a couple of weeks.
Been a busy week or two, or three or four… No change on the web site front, but a few more photos on line. Did… Read More »Friday, July 11, 2003
This day is soooo boring… Conference calls with non English speakers on subjects that are marginally relevant zzzzzzz
Some days are just sooooo boring.