
  • 9 to 5 Theses – #1

    When Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life” he was not speaking metaphorically. In light of the fact that this year is the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s courageous nailing of his beliefs to the door of the church in Wittenberg I’ve got into my head the idea of posting some… Continue reading

  • Don’t go to Church!

    In the book of Amos God says to his people: “Seek me and live; but do not seek Bethel” Amos 5:5 Bethel means house of God. It was the place where the children of Israel knew that God had been with their father Abraham. Although Jerusalem was the designated place of worship Bethel was still… Continue reading

  • Keep Calm and Chill Out

    Well, one thing the south coast has going for it is that you can always see the sea. That may not seem unusual for a coast, but having lived in Southport for many years that’s not necessarily the case. We’ve yet to properly explore the south coast, but for now I know that I can… Continue reading

  • Welcome to the South Coast!

    Well, after a rather manic month of spending far too much time travelling, or sitting around in airports we’ve finally made the move ‘down south’ to West Sussex. We’re living just up from the coast, but did manage a trip to Worthing for a break from the unpacking. Here’s a photo of Worthing Pier in… Continue reading

  • The Christmas Story

    The prophets had long since been stilled. The voice of the Lord was not heard. Daily life went on with hope gradually fading with every passing year of occupation and subservience. Where was the promised Messiah? In these days came the beginning of the Gospel. It started out with a priest – not the High… Continue reading