
  • What to do with the Easter Story

    The remarkable appendix to the the Easter story is the tale of the the Emmaus Road encounter. After Jesus was raised from the dead he appeared to these two hopeless men as they left Jerusalem, their heads hanging low. On that road Jesus explained to them from ‘all the Scriptures’ the truth of God’s plan… Continue reading

  • Beaming Down on Lough Neagh

    One thing I’ve found in my brief time living ‘back home’ is that the character of Lough Neagh seems to change with the weather. It can be windswept with waves or flat calm and overcast. Today was a calm day, with a few ripples, but plenty of cloud – the ideal day for a big… Continue reading

  • Unfocal Lough Neagh Photo

    As you can see from many of my photos, one of the things I like to do is take images that have no definite focal point. I think there’s a calmness about this sort of image that makes it less striking at first glance, but much more restful in the long term and something that… Continue reading

  • Lough Neagh Calm

    In stark contrast to my first visit to Lough Shore Park in Antrim, the second visit came with a flat calm lough. The midday light was diffused through the clouds and the atmosphere was serene. There’s a wonderful sense of space looking down the lough and the light seems to change with every visit. I’m… Continue reading

  • Nestled in Rural Antrim

    Now that I’ve begun to get to grips with the new job, the return to Northern Ireland and the cold weather I actually managed to get out and about at lunch time the other day and grab a few shots of Antrim Technology Park where I’m now working. The building in the picture is the… Continue reading