
  • With God it’s Personal

    With God it’s Personal

    How can I give you up, O Ephraim? How can I hand you over, O Israel? Hosea 11:8 The prophet Hosea is famous for God’s command to marry and pursue a faithless wife. Although it’s doubtful that Gomer was a prostitute, in many ways she was worse – she was faithless for no personal gain,… Continue reading

  • When I fall, I shall rise

    When I fall, I shall rise

    We’re told that there are two certainties in this world: death & taxes. I’d like to add another one to that short list: failure! The person who hasn’t failed has done nothing, which, in a sense is in itself a failure. Failure, in reality has its roots in our own origins. We all come from… Continue reading

  • Simply Walking

    In Genesis 5:24 we’re told that Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him. It’s one of those enigmatic sentences in Scripture that is just loaded with meaning if we would just stop long enough to understand it. One of the things that I love about our new location is the… Continue reading

  • What If?

    Simple Pleasures I’m sitting on a weathered green plastic sun lounger in the back garden of a suburban English home; the sun is warm, not hot; the wind ebbs and flows in soft cooling gusts across my face and arms. There’s a simple pleasure in these things that goes beyond the sum of the elements.… Continue reading

  • Unsystematic Theology

    There’s a thought, an understanding that’s been hinting to me for some time, but which I’ve never fully explored. It goes like this: if God had wanted us to have a systematic theology he would have arranged the Bible differently. I know that this can be construed as one of those clever phrases that actually… Continue reading