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It is dead, deceased, it is an ex-server…

It’s been ‘one of those days’ – you know the kind, when the server in the corner that you never think about stops thinking for itself!

The SnapServer today became an ex-server.

I traced the fault to the PSU – problem is, being a 1U rackmount server the PSU is a special slim version. No worries, just use a bog standard PC PSU and thread the cables through the hole left by the removal of the original PSU. It may not look pretty, but it works! It’ll do until the replacement PSU arrives next week, and which point a little down time for replacement will be in order.

But, oh the joys of RAID! One disk out of the four was also problematic, but once up and running the offending drive was rebuilt over the course of the day (whilst the server was being used), so that I could finish the week with one less worry.