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It is an ex UPS…

The computer room had a rather worrying niff in the air this morning. You know the smell, too hot plastic that points to something not quite right. We tracked it down to a rather large, aging Fiskars UPS. One of the fans had been rattling for some time, but then stopped rattling. Unfortunately it stopped rattling because it ceased to rotate, hence the gradual rise in heat despite the air conditioning.

Fortunately the only bits connected to this UPS were the comms cabinets, so downtime was minimal, involving only a restart of the comms devices.

As for the UPS, it’s been in service with the company longer than I have: at least eight years. I don’t know whether to be pleased or disappointed with it! Eight years just sitting doing its job well seems fine by me. I trust the other UPSs will follow in its footsteps and not give me anything to worry about for quite a few years yet to come.