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Peace in Trusting

I was reading an article this morning, not related to our current situation, but one comment struck a chord. “As individuals, we control very little in life; but we do control what we do with our hearts.” We quite rightly feel helpless to control the course of a global pandemic, but we can direct our hearts and souls to someone who is in control and has power over not only this life, but the life to come.

The bottom line is that our lives are in God’s hand, and it’s our relationship with him that matters above all else. From the beginning God expected us to walk hand in hand with him, always looking to him for all our needs. All the more so now must we keep close to him.

The flower in this picture is tiny, only around 1 cm long, and yet it shows God’s attention to every detail of his creation; how much more so does he watch over us? Let’s take him at his Word and trust him with thankful hearts for the promises in his Word, and allow his peace to guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.