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Random bits

From the spiritual to the more prosaic: Sunday we met as a church in a building (as opposed to a house) for the first time yesterday. It really is an exciting step to take! It’s great to see people all working together to bring it about. Of course, it is a first, not a final step. There is much more to do, and much more that we expect, God willing.

The winds got the better of one of our fence panels over the weekend too. I thought I was well prepared, having a spare one to replace it. Unfortunately the newer one was slightly large than the older one. After much pushing, pulling and general forcing of the panel it eventually slid down into the too small gap – along with my little finger! :-0

So typing is now rather more timid than usual, particularly on the p, ;, ? etc.

On another note, I’ve given a makeover. It was reasonably clean in terms of using CSS rather than tables for layout, but I wanted to go for the classic two-column with a header style, which I have now done. I got the basic template from And used to help find some new colors.