“when he comes on that day to be glorified in his saints, and to be marvelled at among all who have believed“
2 Thessalonians 1:10
To those who believe in Jesus as the Christ there will come a point where faith becomes sight, when we no longer believe, but ‘have believed’. Faith is no longer needed when Jesus Christ returns to claim his own. As Paul describes the coming of the Lord, along with his judgement on all creation, this winsome little verse seals the deal. He speaks of two things that will happen ‘on that day’:
- Jesus will be glorified in his saints. That’s each and every one of us who ‘have believed’ and now see. In Ephesians chapter 3:10 we’re told:
“that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.“
So, even now, we the saints, the Church are for the display of God’s manifold wisdom. How much more when Christ returns and the perfect comes?
2. Jesus will be marvelled at by those who have believed. For those who haven’t believed, it will be too late, the window of opportunity closes on that day. But for those who have believed, what a wonderful prospect! To live a life in the presence of Jesus, the Bride and the Groom. To live a life of constant wonder and amazement at the One who is our Lord, Saviour, Redeemer. A wonder that will never grow old, that will never be sated, that will grip us for all eternity and yet never lose its power or depth. A marvelling that will consume us and will fulfil us, with an unrelenting joy!
In that hope, who can’t but start here and now their search for the ‘unsearchable riches of Christ’? Who can’t help but look into things into which ‘angels long to look’? That we might marvel in anticipation of that greater wonder to come should be our greatest goal, our dearest desire, our fervent hope. May we be found on that day that we are the ones who ‘have believed’, both in theory and in practice.