
This is the view I love most at Ainsdale Sands: marram grass blown in the wind, the sea calm and expansive receding into deeper blues as it meets the sky.

Ainsdale Sands & Sea

One response to “Ainsdale”

  1. Neil Prendergast avatar
    Neil Prendergast

    Dear sir,
    I visited Ainsdale beach and sand dunes with my two bothers from Canada a couple of years ago while they were visiting the UK. We were reminiscing the old times when the family used to all meet / congregate in a large sand dune hollow to the left of the beach entrance up to 1958.

    When we were kids we were sent out by our parents to look for Firewood and make a fire to boil water for smokey tea. The bricks and spare wood was always buried in the hollow after every family meeting for use for the next time.

    I can remember walking through four inches of grey mud to get to the water’s edge on many occasions. Also remember thousands of 1/2″ diameter ball type jelly fish that we had to navigate around.

    I have heard that the sand dunes have been eroded away by the tides and wind over the past 50 years and was hoping that you could tell me by how much ?

    Also do you have any information on the original holiday camp ? that was there to the left of the beach entrance. As we use to play in the ruins and lockers there.

    I would very much appreicate it is you could answer my questions …. kind regards Neil. …………………