I’ve been playing with drop shadows. Read the alistapart item on it and eventually did it my own way (as usual). It involves adding a top, side and bottom graphic image to various divs surrounding this page. Test first in IE (ubiquity compels), then Opera: all looks great. Firefox has a rather strange bit of white overwriting part of the right hand shadow.
I rebuilt a test page one element at a time until I found the offending item. Unfortunately I was no specific tag or malformed piece of css or code. Once the length of the page passed a certain mark the white block appeared and increased in height as the page length increased!
The solution? Having spent so much time finding the problem I had no heart for trying to find out why Firefox does this. Instead I’ve reduced the length of the home page – the only offending item.
As I result I’ve also decided to implement an archives page rather than let users browse from the home page.