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Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Ah, the joys of stumbling! 😉 It must be hitting critical mass now, a little like Googling, only more eclectic (or something). Visiting the broad spectrum of web sites out there, good and bad is great for the web designer looking for ideas. There are fashions in web design, just as there are with everything else. At the moment pastel colours seem to be the ‘in thing’ – nothing in your face or using dark colours (unless it’s for a heavy metal or gaming site).

The benefit of stumbling is that you see sites that you wouldn’t have chosen yourself. I reckon on a ratio of 1:10 good sites to bad, but its worth the clicking through just to get to view the good stuff and see what the good designers are doing.

So, what have I done, then? I’ve simplified the pages on this site, with less breaks between sections. The logo now drops the ‘p’ down into the body, which links the two sections together. I was determined not to put a banner the whole way across the top, so I used a small bar of light blue to go under the page title along with the logo, to which I have added another pale bar. Faster downloads for all!