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Monday, January 26, 2004

Titus 1:1 ‘… for the sake of the faith of God’s elect …’
This is an interesting comment. What does Paul mean by it? He is telling us that this is his prime reason for being an apostle. He is working for the sake of the faith of those who have trusted Jesus Christ as Saviour and are born again of the Spirit of God.
How come then, that we do the opposite? We backbite and tear down. We condemn our brothers and sisters in the Lord for every minor misdemeaner or failing whilst cheerfully ignoring our own hypocrisy.

Our aim in our relationships should be to work ‘for the sake of the faith of God’s elect’: that means seeking to build up, not tear down, to restore, not condemn, to look to ourselves before criticising others.

In other words, ‘do unto others …’ – shouldn’t we all expect our Christian family to work for our spiritual well being? So, let’s all work ‘for the sake of the faith of God’s elect’.