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Monday, January 12, 2004

Well, another week, another list of jobs to do! I’ve got a couple of web sites to update. I’ve already done some minor tweaks to this site: simplified the style (decluttered) which makes it easier to just read what’s on the page.

Got some investigation into what can and can’t be done with Outlook’s contacts and MS Access. This could be fun, the ODBC driver seems a little slow to get going.

Also got to get into SQL Server properly: a couple of projects using this, which should be fun. I’ve already tested this blog with a copy of the home page running on SQL Server – works fine:-)

The joys of freelancing – When working freelance there is a lot of freedom, but with that freedom comes a rather looser association with ’employers’ (or clients as we prefer to call them)! Along with better rates comes no holiday pay, no sick pay and no requirement for notice to be given before dispensing with your services. Best option is to make yourself indispensible (or at least as close as you can get to this). The best solution is to spread yourself about – lot’s of smaller clients = less reliance on one, less problems if one doesn’t work out, and more varied work, which is a bonus!