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Friday, January 16, 2004

But as for you…
I’m beginning to realise just how much this phrase is used in the Bible. So often we look at situations and other people and bewail our lot in life, when what God wants of us is to live for Him through the situations. Whenever I begin to look at things around and moan or feel sorry for myself, God says ‘as for you..’

As for me, I must continue in what God has already planned for my life – nothing to do with jobs, vocations, personal circumstances, but all to do with living through every situation as the godly man my Creator made me to be. As for me, I must continue in the study of God’s word and the application of it to my life and by His Spirit live it out.

Just as with Job, the end result isn’t the material blessings, but rather our Heavenly Father being able to say of us ‘have you considered my servant?’